River of Life Homes, Inc. is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that collaborates with other organizations, churches, ministries, schools, corporations, companies, foundations, associations, and individuals to provide shelter, food, clothing and other supportive services to women and women with their children who are victims of domestic violence.. River of LIfe Homes, operates in accordance with the U.S Department of Agriculture and Texas Health and Human Services Commission policy, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, age, disability, religion, political belief, or national origin. River of Life Homes, Inc. is not a government subsidized shelter
River of Life Homes shelter was opened by God through Lovina Iheke. in 2006. Lovina's personal experience with domestic violence inspired her to help other individuals affected by domestic violence. Lovina Iheke was born in Nigeria in West Africa, her parents have five daughters but no sons. Although her father loves her and her sisters very much, and would do anything for them, he desperately wanted a son. He took his anger and frustration out on his wife and sometimes on his children. Lovina tried to be the son her father wanted by taking some of the responsibilities a son would have, just to keep her father's legacy going, and to make him happy. In one of these duties, Lovina found herself homeless and cold inside her father’s house as rain poured inside the house through the roof that was made with palm trees. On that dark, cold and rainy night she was all alone, hungry, and scared with nobody to turn to but God. She felt abandoned and rejected that night not knowing that God was preparing her for a mission.